Soaring Stars (Ages 8 –12)
Mondays 6:00 - 7:30PM PT. Sept 21 – Dec 14 Tuition $80. In Soaring Stars, students use their imagination to create stories, build confidence and discover their musical passions! While virtually engaging with others, children will exercise their mind & body with tongue twisters, games, & dance.
Class Time & Location
Sep 21, 2020, 6:00 p.m. PDT – Dec 14, 2020, 6:00 p.m. PST
Location: Virtual Classes (Zoom Platform)
Class Details
Mondays 6:00 - 7:30PM PT. Tuition: $80
Sept 21 - Dec 14, 2020. 12 classes
(No class October 12)
Location: Virtual Classes (Zoom Platform)
Siblings are half price! Register before September 7th and get 10% off!
In our Soaring Stars class, students will use their imagination to create stories, discover their musical passions, and be the star on their own stage! Children enrolled in this class take their performance to the next level with choreography and song lyrics. With games and workshops students will develop acting strategies and explore different characters. While creating unforgettable memories children will exercise their mind and body. Over the classes, students will learn dance routines, monologues, and songs which will prepare them for their performance project to be shared at the end of term. Queen’s Academy Soaring Stars is the perfect class for children to expand their passion for the performing arts!
During the week of Dec 13, students will get a private class to film their choreography and songs. At the end of term, a performance video of all the students will be put together and shared with everyone’s family.
*charge of 2.9% 30 cents for paying by card to avoid this fee you can pay e-transfer